Published Articles

My personal advice to all students and professionals who want to turn their life around

Going from Zero to Hero

Over the years, I've developed a few set of strategies that greatly improved my chances of landing an internship. In this three-part series, I generalize a little bit of my personal experience and talk about proven strategies for prepping, applying, and interviewing. These three articles will give you the exact resources to go from Zero to Hero no matter where you are in your career search. My objective is to focus on some of the things that I do differently in my career search; more specifically, I mention unique points that really helped me and my peers out-information that I couldn't find elsewhere. Just to establish credibility, I’ve received over 15 offers and over 40 interview calls from companies/organizations such as Amazon, Walmart Labs, NSA, Nasdaq, JPMorgan, etc. I’m no where close to being considered a genius. All I’ve done to attain all these offers was to have a positive attitude and and follow a set of proven, yet unique, strategies. I’ve detailedly elaborated on these strategies for any candidate to succeed in his or her internship search. I call them the 8 Critical Elements to a Successful Candidate. Without wasting time, here is a little about me:

Key Takeaways

  • I didn’t have any software engineering experience prior to first internship. My most advanced knowledge in computer science was creating a for-loop statement.
  • I don’t go to an ivy league university. I attend a local commuter school.
  • I don't have a competitive GPA. I am no genius at all.
  • I did not spend a penny for any premium career services or tutoring.

I've aggregated a few hacks that I've noticed during my career search and formulated them into a complete set of proven strategies to land the tech position of your dreams. If you haven't applied to any positions yet, aren't receiving any call-backs, or want to aim high for the internships at the top tech companies, then these articles are for you.

Where to Start

If you are completely new to your job search or want to receive more call-backs, then I'd start off with the first article. Once you've hacked a solid portfolio together with the 8 Critical Elements to a Successful Candidate , then you're ready for the big leagues. Read the second article to start preparing for these daunting interviews. The third article will completely change your career landscape with digital networking. All you need is a LinkedIn account to start receiving interview requests from the top tech companies.

How to Land Your First Software Engineering Internship

Read into some of the best advice to college students of all ages on the most important steps to take in securing an internship.

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Ace the Amazon, Google, Facebook, and any Big N Interview Every Time — A Practical Guide

While more preparation is always better, what’s more important is the quality of preparation. After reading this article, you can rest assured that you will have greatly improved your chances to pass these interviews.

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How to Land a Referral or Interview from Top Tech Companies

If you’re in college, about to graduate, or a full-time professional trying to get into one of the “Big N” companies, here’s exactly how to land an interview.

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