is blended web-app and chrome extension that boosts productivity. Whether a user has an important deadline or wants to improve productivity in the long run, this intuitive web-app blocks distracting websites, summarizes your overall productivity, and gently nudges you during periods of distractions. Click here to view the BETA project.

Built with: JavaScript, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3
Commended By: EPFL Research Institute in Lausanne, Switzerland
Awards: Most Innovative Hack

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Flyo is an Amazon Alexa skill that lets you find cheapest flight tickets to destinations over different parameters. The ideal itinerary will be sent as a text message to your phone within seconds.

Built with: AWS Lambda, Node.js, Sabre API, Twilio API
Commended By: Sabre Dev Studio @ Sabre in Las Vegas, Nevada
Awards: Grand Prize Winner at Hackathon-TTX, Sabre - Product of Year

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Legend is a responsive web-app that generates social media captions for you using machine learning and cloud vision. Rather than texting ten of your friends and google searching for hours, Legend will detect your facial expression using the Google Could Vision API and generate a clever caption for you based on the emotion of your uploaded picture. Click here to view a non-functional demo. If you would like to view a fully functional demo, then fork the repository on GitHub and run the backend locally.

Built with: JavaScript, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, Google Cloud APIs

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Publications and Press

Throughout the years, I've learned quite a few things or two on how to hack your way into prestigious internships and full-time roles. View my articles and press awards here:

Developers go all-in at Hackathon:TTX in Las Vegas

We built something innovative for the aviation industry. Sabre recognized it and awarded us the Grand Prize and wrote a blog about our accomplishments. Click here to view another published article in which my team and I shared our thought process for coming up with an award-winning solution.

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HackersUTD - A Hackathon Enthusiast Organization

After winning grand prizes at over 4 hackathons worldwide, my team and I formed an on-campus student organization called HackersUTD.

HackersUTD has achieved the following:

  • Taught over 300 students on how to hack their way into prestigious hackathons and travel for free
  • Attained partners such as and Call-Em-All to recruit students
  • Lead local workshops to train students on full-stack development

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